Saturday, December 28, 2013

Windows 8.2 - Microsoft's Upcoming Operating System ? [Investigation]

Microsoft Released its New operating System Windows 8 few months back. but it failed to be popular as people dislikes the thought of removing the start button which is very popular since Windows 95 released. To solve this problem Microsoft decided to release upgraded version called Windows 8.1 but failed to attract people. Now Microsoft is Planning to Launch its new Operating System probably as Windows 8.2.

 Microsoft communications chief Frank Shaw said Microsoft wasn't ready to talk about how often Windows might come out when we spoke to him in January, but he agreed "you have certainly seen across a variety of our products a cadence that looks like that; Windows Phone is a good for example of that, our services are a good example of that".
We don't know if Windows 8.2 will be available as an upgrade from Windows 7 that you can buy as a standalone product or if you'll have to have Windows 8 to get the upgrade. But it may not be with us for a while yet - Windows business chief Tami Reller has talked about "multiple selling seasons" for Windows 8, meaning that we'll likely have several versions of it. 

According to multiple sources, these are the highlights of Microsoft's upcoming Windows 8.2 update:
  • Start menu - as mentioned above, the Start button will be linked to the Start menu, the same way as it was sinceWindows 95
  • Internet Explorer - while version 11 of the browser did not bring any noticeable changes, the next version should feature obvious visual and functional changes
  • App store unification - one app store for Windows-powered tablets, phones and computers would be a logical move and it is possible to see it happening soon
  • File Explorer Libraries - this feature was introduced in Windows 7, still present in Windows 8, but vanished in Windows 8.1 and it will make its comeback in Windows 8.2

 Windows 8.2 to be cheaper, smaller, with more apps

In the last Microsoft earnings call CFO Peter Klein made it clear that Microsoft has got the message that Windows 8.2 tablets need to be cheaper; "we know that our growth depends on our ability to give customers the exciting hardware they want, at the price-points they demand." 
Another revealing Microsoft job advert talks about having Windows Phone and WinRT apps run on both Windows Phone and Windows. "Do you wish the code you write for Windows Store apps would just work on the Windows Phone and vice versa? If so, then this is the role for you! We are the team leading the charge to bring much of the WinRT API surface and the .NET Windows Store profile to the Phone."
That sounds like a longer term goal, given that the job advert was on the Microsoft Careers site at the beginning of February, and it's being driven by the Windows Phone team (we don't expect to see the next version of Windows Phone until the autumn), but it could give developers an incentive to write apps for the Windows Store and give Windows 8.2 users more to choose from. Scaling apps to fit different size screens would help here too.


  1. Hope the start menu is not like the old erection menus of the past.
